In the construction of the hotel website, we must fully consider the characteristics of the hotel's business services. Therefore, we will pay attention to the principles of system availability, reliability, advancement, and economy in the production of the program. We will also pay attention to the scalability of the system. To lay the foundation for possible future upgrades, due to the hotel's high demand for service awareness, it also saves time for its services to facilitate the operation of online, real-time system management. It can also improve the quality of modern hotel services.
For hotel websites, we have developed a comprehensive solution that allows our customers to browse the latest news and promotions within the shortest possible time. The program also provides a complete group email system. Users can view their emails simply by logging in at the home email address.
首页的设计要突出酒店行业的特殊性,在设计上尽量个性化,并以动画来展示酒店的整体形象,为浏览者多方位了解酒 店。并可简要说明酒店的概况、特色、接待能力和服务宗旨,还可以包括酒店一些成功案例及接待过什么样的人物及举办过的某些大型活动,在房间介绍中可推荐几个不同档次房间来满足不同层次的消费者,在方案实现上会结合图文效果更直观的展示.
Hotel website home page design plan:
The design of the homepage should highlight the particularity of the hotel industry, be as personal as possible in the design, and display the hotel's overall image in an animation, so that visitors can learn more about the hotel. It can briefly describe the hotel's profile, characteristics, reception capabilities and service objectives. It can also include some of the hotel's successful cases and what kind of characters have been received and some of the major events that have been held. Several rooms can be recommended in the room introduction. To meet different levels of consumers, in the realization of the program will be combined with graphic effects more intuitive display.
鉴于酒店网站的便捷性、准确性和有效性,以及在管理操控上基于互联网,所以酒店网站更新性更加重要了,让客户第 一时间浏览到最新的房间价格。
在系统实现上要尽量从客户出发,要尽量简化操作流程,并实现网上预订,以电子表格形式在线填写订房信息,浏览者 只需填写姓名、身份证号码、订房规格、人数、预住天数、来店日期、联系方法信息,确认后这些信息将提交给酒店后台管理 员;另外,酒店方案还要注意与客户及时交流,在第一时间对客户提出的意见给予答复。也可以提出对酒店服务的满意程度和 各种建议,客人入住流程为:查询客房信息—→在线填写订房表单预定入住.
模块分类 模块名称 模块功能说明
基础功能模块 信息发布系统 发布酒店信息(酒店优惠活动、酒店新闻等)在线定房系统 填写姓名、身份证号码、订房规格、人数、预住天数、来店
在线查询系统 在线查询客房信息
展示平台 展示酒店客房、餐厅环境
增强功能模块 人才招聘系统 公布公司现阶段的人事招聘信息
会员登陆系统 能更进距离的了解酒店信息